Check out latest porn GIFs at AssGifs!
This is one of the most amazing sites we found recently that is dedicated to porn GIFs. Check it out!

The body of women is a true marvel. There is hardly any part of the body that does not seduce us men to dream. Legs, tits, ass … everyone has different preferences and finds different body regions attractive and erotic.
Even though almost every man would probably say that he looks at a woman's face or eyes first, it is another part of the body that attracts the attention of many men (sorry girls).
According to a 2018 study, most men look at a woman's breasts first. This is not surprising, since the breasts are pretty much in the field of vision and at eye level. Apart from the eyes, of course.
Right after that, in second place, is the butt. I must honestly say that the butt is clearly on Plaz 1 for me. Don't get me wrong, of course, it also depends on the face. Who wants to have a woman with a great body but a face like a scarecrow? But without a horny, big ass goes with me nothing!
Big, round, and white. That's how I like it best. I don't mind a colored butt, but a big (not to be confused with fat) white ass just drives me wild. And if you like butts as much as I do, then you know the appropriate term for them: "PAWG". Pawg stands for "Phat Ass White Girl". There's nothing hotter than watching a hot woman move her big butt in a sexy way. It doesn't matter if she bends over and sticks her ass out, or I fuck her from behind and get such a hot view of her big butt. I just can't get enough of the sight. Unfortunately, there is not always a woman with a hot ass within sight that I could look at. Luckily, there is always a solution on the internet. In my case, it is the website
As the name suggests, this is about asses and animated gifs. So exactly the two things I like the most. Here you can find thousands of free gifs of asses in all colors and shapes.
Fun fact: I just typed in the URL in my browser and discovered the site more or less by accident.
The website is as simple as it is ingenious. The gifs are divided into four categories: Teasing - Couples - Analtoys - Lesbians. That's actually good enough to quickly find the gif you're looking for. In addition, all GIFs are tagged. In total, there are over 80 tags that describe the content of the moving images. Thereby it goes from "A" like "Anal Creampie" to "Y" like "Young". As you can see, except for the letter "Z", everything is there. Among them of course my absolute favorite "pawg gif". If the tags don't help you (which I can't imagine at all), there is also a very well-working full-text search. If you can't find your favorite gif on, there's no helping you.
What I particularly like about is the layout and the user-friendliness. Whether on desktop or mobile, the navigation is a dream and the layout is very clear and appealing.
On the start page, you will always find the latest gifs. A click on the thumbnail leads you directly to the actual gif. Speaking of gifs: Strictly speaking, the images are not gifs, but mp4 files. mp4 is actually a video format, so it does not have much in common with the original gif. Meanwhile, many gif websites deliver the images as mp4 files. This has the advantage that the file size is much smaller than with gifs. Especially if you are on the road with mobile data, this is positively noticeable in the speed and traffic consumption.
The advertising is also kept within limits. Here and there is an advertising banner, which is perfectly fine. But no annoying pop-ups or fake images that lead you to any dubious sites. Very commendable. Thumbs up for that! This is exactly what you want from a good website.
Of course, on the website, you also have the possibility to rate and comment on gifs. You can also upload your own gifs and share them with the world. Kind of like you know it from other social media sites (Pinterest, for example). The only difference is that this website is aimed at adults.
So if you are into sexy ass gifs and you are not satisfied with bad websites, then you should definitely pay a visit to New content is uploaded on a regular basis and you will definitely not get bored clicking through the different categories., where the name says it all!